Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ain't no truly easy west to east rides in Maine.

Wednesday, October 15.  Wilton to Waterville
Anita prepared a great breakfast, including gluten free pancakes for Diane, sending us off sufficiently sated to run the morning.  Today was a staging-in day for the last day’s ride.  We anticipated a 38-mile ride, but altered our route, adding 5 more miles, but less hills, and better highway and shoulders.  The Pleasant Street Inn, in Waterville, was a welcome sight, though, after the last few miles, which comprised rough roads, and city traffic.  We were the first guests to arrive and everything was ready for us, so we reheated Diane’s leftovers from last night for a tasty lunch.  Later, we had a pleasing meal at the Thai Bistro, and then ventured a few doors down to the Amicis Cucina for dessert.  A great day! (I know, I know, eat, ride, eat, eat and ride again. Repeat!)
Part of the daily rituals, Diane resets here cycle computer to record the stats.
Rolling down Hwy 2. Later in the day we end our relationship with this road which has carried us across 3 states.
Every town has one - a cemetery.  In the South the graves are above ground because of the high water tables. In the Midwest and East they always on a hill. They range from family plots in the Kentucky hill country, to small ones associated with community churches, to large communal cemeteries which according to one historical marker in Vermont seem to have been first established in New England.   They have become part of the Halloween tradition and therefore (at least for some of us) associated with Fall harvest celebrations.  It is this sense of celebration that tomorrow we put this Fall ride to rest.  

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